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Make the world fair – start at schyst.se

Discover the benefits of being equal, inclusive, and future-ready. Become a better colleague, strengthen competitiveness, increase profitability, and recruit smarter. The website is a tool for increasing the attractiveness of a region and its organisations. Schyst, the word means fair, is a method, a concept, and a collection of tools. Free and accessible to all.

Tools to get started or keep going

How is it done?
How is it done?A good start is to explore our tools and videos. Remember that change takes time.
What does the law say?
What does the law say?Both employers and employees have obligations and rights according to the laws and regulations of Sweden and EU.
Fair communication
Fair communicationEverything communicates! Simple and practical exercises that rapidly increase the level of knowledge and communication.
Group exercises
Group exercisesGet started quickly with the process of change. These exercises are perfect for many participants.
Två hantverkare – en kvinna och en man.

What does the research say?

Do you know that the probability of co-workers staying in your organisation increases if you work with inclusion, diversity, and equal opportunities? Studies show that the chance increases by 47%.

Gain more knowledge
En grupp med människor i ett rum som blir visade något på en skärm av en kvinna med fläta och blå t-shirt.

Learn from each other

A small step forward is better than standing still, right? See how experienced, newly-started, and successful companies work, on the basis of their prerequisites, to reach new talents, include new perspectives in their operation, and improve the job satisfaction.

Good examples

The Schyst method

Five steps that lead to great change. The Schyst method is designed to give everyone the opportunity of making the world more fair.