Business Region Värmland part of Svenska säkerhetsstråket
Business Region Värmland is a proud participant of the new collaboration Svenska säkerhetsstråket, a partnership between six municipalities and two business regions. The goal is to attract more defense-related establishments to the region.
The initiative, Svenska säkerhetsstråket, includes the municipalities of Karlstad, Kristinehamn, Karlskoga, Örebro, Hallsberg, and Arboga, along with Business Region Värmland and Business Region Örebro. The goal is to collectively highlight the region’s suitability for defense-related establishments. This will be the focus at the Greater Örebro Arena in Almedalen, Visby, Gotland on June 26.
– We look forward to discussing the potential of this area. We have several important agencies in the field of civil security, two universities, a strong defense industry, and the establishment of Regiment A9, to name just a few examples. It’s a very favorable starting point for those who want to establish their business within the defense sector, says Ahmed Alaeddine, Head of Business Region Värmland.
Ahmed Alaeddine
Head of Business Värmland
+46 (0)10– 833 10 35
+46 (0)76-527 38 35