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Glad man med grått hår och grått skägg, med hörselkåpor runt halsen, vänd mot fotograf i en verkstadsmiljö.
Hem /Tools for fairness

Tools for fairness

A good start is to watch the video about the Schyst method. Explore our tools and videos that will help you and your colleagues understand and learn more about diversity, inclusion, and gender equality.
Remember – change takes time. Support and encourage each other, work with a long-term strategy, and be inspired along the way. Together you can make your workplace as well as the world more fair.

The Schyst method

Five steps that lead to great change. The Schyst method is designed to give everyone the opportunity of making the world more fair.

Tools to get started or keep going

Två personer med kaffekoppar vid ett konferensbord.

Educational videos with Jämställt

Four training packages with videos from Jämställt that are designed so that as many people as possible in the workplace can do them at the same time. That way, you get a mutual understanding of why it is important to have a Schyst workplace.

Take a look at the excersies
Kvinna och man samarbetar.

Order communication

Sometimes you may have to order communication. To get the result you want, it is important to give the writer, photographer, or designer you hire a good basis. Emphasize how you want your organisation to be portrayed.

Compile a checklist
Conscious photography
Conscious photographyA picture sends a message to the receiver at lightning speed. Think before you act.
Look over your image bank
Look over your image bankLook over your image archive from a holistic approach and ask yourself control questions.
Can you do something differently?
Can you do something differently?Are your images stereotypical? Think about your choices and what you can do differently.
How to choose words
How to choose wordsSome expressions can strengthen unwanted norms. An exercise in twisting and turning what we are used to.
Find alternative words
Find alternative wordsSome ordinary words are unequal in their construction and composition. Make other choices.
Gendered expressions
Gendered expressionsSome words convey a feeling that something is only for a certain gender. Does it have to be like that?
Emotionally charged expressions
Emotionally charged expressionsYour choice of words signals your values. Pay attention to the effect the words get in different contexts.
Addressing everyone
Addressing everyoneThink about how you express yourself to a larger target group.
An additional check
An additional checkAsk your colleagues or a reference person for help.
Equal arrangements
Equal arrangementsIdentify the different parts that you can affect.
Identifying norms in the workplace
Identifying norms in the workplacePractise discovering norms to see what it is like at your workplace.
Identifying norms in your surroundings
Identifying norms in your surroundingsPractise your awareness of norms in society to get a better understanding of the experience of others.
Explore privileges
Explore privilegesRaise awareness of different types of privileges that people may have.
Spot the norms
Spot the normsWhat conceptions and prejudice about women and men do the pictures you choose signal?
Ett handslag .En arm med grön ärm och en arm med blå ärm.

Fair recruiting

An open climate and a clear base of values ​​make the workplace attractive to more talent, while at the same time you reduce the risk of losing valuable colleagues. Reviewing the routines for how and where you recruit can play a role in who applies for a job with you.

Learn about fair recruiting
What does the job advertisement say?
What does the job advertisement say?A well-written job advertisement can attract the right candidates, while also bringing out your company.
Practise for the job interview
Practise for the job interviewSome expressions can strengthen norms. An exercise in twisting and turning what we are used to.
Ett mötesrum med olika människor.

Fair employer

When gender equality, inclusion, and diversity are perspectives that permeate the entire organisation, the totality improves. As an employer, it is about guaranteeing a safe and open culture, where everyone is given the opportunity to contribute with their skills on the same terms.

Find out what it means with a fair work environment
En grupp med människor i ett rum som blir visade något på en skärm av en kvinna med fläta och blå t-shirt.

Learn from each other

A small step forward is better than standing still, right? See how experienced, newly-started, and successful companies work, on the basis of their prerequisites, to reach new talents, include new perspectives in their operation, and improve the job satisfaction.

See how others have done
Identifying norms in your surroundings
Identifying norms in your surroundingsPractise your awareness of norms in society to get a better understanding of the experience of others.
Explore privileges
Explore privilegesRaise awareness of different types of privileges that people may have.
Spot the norms
Spot the normsWhat conceptions and prejudice about women and men do the pictures you choose signal?